HUBRIS is a Heavy, Progressive acoustic duo and the original seed out of which HUBRISmusic as an entity has grown.

The musical style of HUBRIS is more a philosophy than anything else – we serve the song, incorporating whatever style or instrument emphasises the underlying meaning of the music at the time.

HUBRIS aims to break musical conventions, removing the sonic boundaries that have traditionally stood between styles and sounds – we take an expressionistic Classical’esque principal and apply it to our compositions, the idea being to allow the story of a piece to be told through the use of Musical techniques aswell as verbally.

There are no rules, music is music; 12 tones that over and interlap to create the Music we hear around us.
Each HUBRIS piece has the goal of conjuring within you the emotion and imagery related to the piece/song while articulating its Art in as pure a form as possible.

We are not about record deals or vitiating our music to sell,
And You will know us When you Hear us…


Click the video above to Hear us on YouTube - dont forget to like and/or subscribe for more.